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Jeremy Tan

M.S. - P.E. Educator; Upper School Strength and Conditioning Coach & Educator
Jeremy supports our P.E. Department as both Educator and strength and conditioning coach.
After obtaining his teaching credential in single-subject Physical Education in 2018, Jeremy (Coach Tan) also worked in the Irvine Unified and Los Angeles Unified School District as a middle school educator. Jeremy also has extensive research experience, having published a number of articles based on research regarding concurrent training, exercise physiology, and athletic footwear. Besides Jeremy’s background as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach (CSCS) with the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) since 2012, he also brings to Geffen Academy his training in ELDOA, which is focused on posture and myofascial stretching. His degrees, including a bachelor's in 2009 and a master's of science in 2012, are in Exercise Science and Strength and Conditioning. Jeremy teaches the 8th grade PE classes for the middle school, the Athlete Conditioning (AC) courses and Nutrition and Performance class for the upper school. The Athlete Conditioning class is designed to teach students long-term athletic development, focus on injury prevention, and lifelong skills. Jeremy works with all of the student-athletes at Geffen Academy, along with the program directors for each sport, and with the sports performance team to optimize and further advance the overall well-being of the students. Jeremy also heads the Weightlifting Club, which is open to the upper and middle school during lunch to give students a movement break and an opportunity to challenge themselves both physically and mentally.