Geffen Academy at UCLA partners with our families through our Family Engagement Cooperative (“Co-op”), a dynamic and diverse group of all of our parents/guardians who are uniquely positioned to serve our school community in varying capacities. Participation is not required, but highly encouraged.

Co-op Mission Statement:
Every Geffen Academy parent and guardian is a member of the Geffen Academy Family Engagement Cooperative (“Co-op”). The Co-op thrives on the diversity of talents, resources and personal histories of each member. The Co-op leadership promotes, celebrates and reflects the differences of its members. The Co-op is dedicated to building and sustaining an inclusive community of families who collaboratively share their time and talents in service of the school’s mission, vision and values. 

The Co-op works to fulfill its mission through: 
  1. Working collectively to support Educators in all aspects of academic, athletic, and artistic endeavors; 
  2. Facilitating strong and trusting partnerships among families and Educators; and 
  3. Developing opportunities for connections to be made among Geffen Academy families through clear and mindful communication.

Afrikan Affinity Group’s Mission Statement:
The Geffen Academy at UCLA African Affinity Group (AAG) unites families, past and present, in support of Geffen Academy students from the African diaspora. AAG offers this support by building community among students of African ancestry, promoting inclusive and just values throughout Geffen Academy, and collaborating with school leadership, and other partners, to nurture an environment where students of all backgrounds feel empowered to achieve their fullest potential.

To learn more about our Co-op and our Affinity Groups, please contact Lauren Ershoff.
2023-2024 Committees:
  • 8th Grade Promotion
  • Admissions Ambassadors & Host Families
  • Athletics
  • Development
  • Reading Culture
  • Student Life Suite
  • Theater
2023-2024 Affinity Groups:
  • Afrikan Affinity Group
  • Asian Pacific Islander Desi American Affinity Group
  • Intersections Group
  • Latinx Affinity Group
  • Muslim Affinity Group
  • Persian American Cultural Committee
2023-2024 Interest Groups:
  • Digital Media Awareness
    • CoOp2024