Faculty and staff are required to self-attest to being up to date with COVID-19 and Influenza (flu) vaccinations, or affirmatively decline vaccinations via the UCLA Covid-19 Action Center.
PreK-12 students should follow vaccination verification protocols. This is not applicable for ECE.
In the case of a positive student test, parents/guardians are asked to notify the COVID-19 Site Compliance Officer, Nancy Rodriguez. This also applies if the student is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms and have been in contact with an infected person. Geffen Academy at UCLA will notify individuals identified as close contacts as capacity allows while maintaining confidentiality of COVID-19 infected individual.
Geffen Academy at UCLA reports all clusters and/or outbreaks to the UCLA Consortium within 24 hours when a cluster of people ill with acute respiratory symptoms reaches one of the following thresholds:
Among exposed group/classroom (individuals that work/learn together in same location when at least one person is sick) - Within a 7-day period, at least 20% of the group have symptoms and/or test positive.
Across the entire site - Within a three-day period, at least 10% of the average daily attendance are absent and/or report symptoms of and/or test positive.
Minimum reportable cluster is 5 people. For sites with fewer than 15 people, the minimum cluster is 3.
For questions regarding our COVID-19 health and safety policies, please contact Chief Administrative Officer Nancy C. Rodriguez at nrodriguez@geffenacademy.ucla.edu. Questions regarding current COVID-19 requirements and protocol can be directed to the School Nurse, at nurse@geffenacademy.ucla.edu.