Geffen Academy at UCLA is committed to maintaining a working and educational environment that is free from harassment, including sexual harassment, sexual violence, discrimination, and retaliation. This includes behavior that occurs off-campus or via social media, or other electronic communications, that impacts or affects the School community. Violations of this provision will not be tolerated and will result in corrective action, up to and including expulsion from the School.
General Harassment
This provision prohibits harassment based on actual or perceived race, religion, color, citizenship, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, lactation or related medical conditions), gender, gender identity, gender expression, gender transition, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability (including having a history of a disability or being regarded as being disabled), medical condition (cancer-related or genetic characteristics), predisposing genetic information (including family medical history), marital status, age, veteran or military status., or any other basis protected by federal, state or local law (“Protected Categories”), as applicable. This provision prohibits harassment by employees, students, parents/guardians, and third parties towards individuals participating in Geffen Academy programs and activities. Harassing conduct will result in appropriate investigation, necessary corrective action and supportive measures. Corrective action can include discipline up to and including suspension or expulsion from school. Harassment by employees will result in appropriate corrective action, up to and including dismissal/termination of employment. All students are entitled to be presented with supportive measures whenever possible when there is a report of harassment, ranging from safety plans to mental health services to academic accommodations where possible.
Geffen Academy families, please refer to the Family Handbook found on the Geffen Academy portal for the full policy.
Examples of Sexual Harassment
California Education Code section 212.5 defines sexual harassment as any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature made by someone from or in the work or educational setting, under any of the following conditions:
- Submission to the conduct is explicitly or implicitly made a term or a condition of an individual’s employment, academic status, or progress.
- Submission to, or rejection of, the conduct by the individual is used as the basis of employment or academic decisions affecting the individual.
- The conduct has the purpose or effect of having a negative impact on the individual’s work or academic performance, or of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work or educational environment.
- Submission to, or rejection of, the conduct by the individual is used as the basis for any decision affecting the individual regarding benefits and services, honors, programs, or activities available at or through the educational institution.
- Sexually harassing conduct can occur between students of the same or different gender.
Title IX is the federal civil rights statute that also protects against sexual harassment. Title IX defines sexual harassment as conduct, performed on the basis of sex, that satisfies one or more of the following:
- Quid Pro Quo: An employee conditioning the provision of an aid, benefit, or service at Geffen Academy on a student or individual's participation in unwelcome sexual conduct;
- Hostile Environment: Unwelcome conduct determined by a reasonable person to be so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to Geffen Academy’s education program or activity; or
- Sexual Violence (Sexual Assault, Relationship Violence, Stalking, Sexual Exploitation): Examples of sexual violence include, but are not limited to, penetration or contact without consent; dating violence; domestic violence; stalking behavior of a sexual, romantic or sex-based nature that is directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for their safety; and trafficking. For further definition of sexual harassment and sexual violence, please see pages 3 through 7 of the University of California Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Policy (Interim) at
Sexual harassment may include, but is not limited to:
- Unwelcome verbal or written conduct, including by notes, letters, e-mails, text messages, social media postings or communications, such as suggestive comments, derogatory comments, sexual innuendos, slurs, or unwanted sexual advances, invitations, or comments, pestering for dates, making threats, spreading rumors about or rating others as to sexual activity or performance.
- Unwelcome visual conduct such as displays of sexually suggestive objects, pictures, posters, written material, cartoons, or drawings, graffiti of a sexual nature, or use of obscene gestures or leering.
- Unwelcome physical conduct such as unwanted touching, pinching, kissing, patting, hugging, blocking of normal movement, assault, or interference with work or study directed at an individual because of the individual's sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or gender expression.
- Threats and demands or pressure to submit to sexual requests in order to keep academic standing or to avoid other loss and offers of benefits in return for sexual favors.
Policy and Procedures Specific to Sexual Harassment
Geffen Academy prohibits sexual harassment, including sexual violence, and other forms of sex-based discrimination, and will treat all allegations with seriousness and care. Please also see the University of California Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Policy (Interim) at
Sexual Harassment Reporting Procedure
Individuals who believe they have experienced sexual harassment, sexual violence or other sex discrimination are encouraged to report it to the School, and may do so either verbally or in writing. Parents or guardians may report on behalf of their children by emailing, calling or scheduling an in-person meeting with the School’s Sexual Harassment Prevention & Response Coordinator. An adult student may follow the same process without parental involvement. In addition, reports can come from employees or a third party. If criminal conduct is involved, such as sexual assault, individuals may also file a report with the local police department. The School takes all allegations seriously and will respond appropriately to any notice of possible sexual harassment, sexual violence or other sex discrimination. The School will investigate and address Geffen Academy student to student allegations. Please note that when the allegations involve employees or other adults at Geffen Academy the UCLA Title IX Office will lead the investigation.
Any individual can report sexual harassment, sexual violence or discrimination based on sex. Reports can be made anonymously, but a formal investigation will require the disclosure of a Complainant’s identity in order to ensure a fair investigation and outcome that respects the rights of all involved. Upon receipt of a report, the Sexual Harassment Prevention & Response Coordinator will attempt to contact the Complainant, if known, to inform them of their rights, options, and resources. When the Complainant is a minor student and a formal complaint is filed, the parents or legal guardians will be notified and informed of the same.
There is no time limit for reporting. Individuals should report incidents even if significant time has passed. However, the sooner the Geffen Academy and the University receives a report, the better able it will be to respond, investigate, remedy, and impose corrective action/discipline if appropriate.
If it is determined that a formal investigation of a report is appropriate, the parties to the complaint will receive notice of the investigation. An investigator will gather evidence related to the allegations, which may include interviewing the parties or witnesses. Parties to the complaint will have an opportunity to review all relevant evidence before the investigator finalizes an investigation report. Both parties will have an opportunity to respond to the evidence being relied upon prior to a final decision. Once a decision is made, both parties will receive a written response that describes the decision and the basis for the decision on the complaint. If there is a finding of a violation of the sexual harassment/sexual violence policy, the appropriate administrative authority will determine the sanction or discipline.
Geffen Academy community members may bring reports of sexual harassment, sexual violence, or sex discrimination against a Geffen Academy employee to the School’s Sexual Harassment Prevention & Response Coordinator OR may be made directly to the UCLA Title IX Office. The UCLA Title IX Office will receive all reports from Responsible Employees (see below). The UCLA Title IX Office will oversee the investigation and response of Title IX reports involving Geffen Academy employees.
Title IX Office
Title IX Director: Mohammed Cato
Responsibilities of School Employees
In addition to mandatory reporting obligations under the Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act, all employees are Responsible Employees (including the School’s Counselors), meaning they will not keep such sexual harassment, sexual violence or sex discrimination reports confidential. Thus, if an employee learns, in the course of employment, that a student may have experienced sexual harassment, sexual violence or other sex discrimination, the employee must promptly notify the Sexual Harassment Prevention Coordinator or designee. The UCLA Title IX Office must be informed all Responsible Employee reports.
Are Individuals Protected from Retaliation for Making a Sexual Harassment Complaint or Participating in an Investigation?
Geffen Academy prohibits retaliation against someone for reporting sexual harassment, sexual violence or sex-based discrimination, or participating in the School’s resolution process. Retaliation is an adverse action that would discourage a reasonable person from reporting discrimination or harassment, or from participating in a related process, and can take the form of threats, intimidation, coercion, reprisals and adverse employment or educational actions. If an individual believes they are the subject of retaliation, that individual should promptly report any relevant actions, comments, or conduct to the Sexual Harassment Prevention Coordinator.
Where to Obtain Further Information or Assistance
Further assistance can be obtained by contacting the Sexual Harassment Prevention & Response Coordinator.
Brianna Winn
Dean of Faculty
Geffen Academy at UCLA
11000 Kinross Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Office: 310.206.3210
Rights under Title IX and Additional Resources
You may file a Title IX complaint with the United States Department of Education Office for Civil Rights using this
Complaints Form, or contact the OCR office directly at 800-421-3481 or
Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (CANRA)
Please note that all employees of Geffen Academy are Mandated Reporters under the Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act. A Mandated Reporter is defined as an individual required to report observed or suspected child abuse or neglect to designated law enforcement or social services agencies.