List Detail


Dates: June 24-July 12
Blocks: 2 and 3
Time: 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. // 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Grades: 6-12
Cost: $900
Transcript: Enrichment
i-Track is an essential academic pillar at Geffen Academy. The department encapsulates design thinking as a framework for future innovators, entrepreneurs and leaders. In this 3-week course, students use Geffen Academy’s Makerspace to solve real-world problems, often building solutions with their own hands. Students will create prototypes using a variety of tools, including textiles, hand tools, and modeling. This course will be self-guided, with supervision and instruction from two Educators, with student safety at the core of each assignment.

Students may enroll in one 90-minute block and an additional 90-minute block for continued studio time.
