Curriculum Detail

Explore our Curriculum


I-Track is a course of study spanning Middle and Upper School that uses technology and design thinking as a framework for developing the habits of mind of innovators, entrepreneurs and leaders. Students will solve real-world problems using a variety of tools and the design thinking process, which asks students to understand the problem from a user-centered perspective, to explore solutions to the problem with rapid prototyping, and to materialize and iteratively refine solutions. Through this process they will:
  • Be confident in their creative abilities to tackle challenging problems.
  • Be brave and not afraid to fail, realizing that failure is a key component of innovation.
  • Be empathetic and seek to understand the perspectives of people with different backgrounds and circumstances when solving problems.
  • Be persistent in learning how to learn new skills.
  • Be motivated to make a difference in their communities.
Through I-Track classes, students will attain confident competency in the attributes of innovation: critical thinking, creative problem solving, self-directed learning, forging empathy, solutions building and testing, self-reflection, iteration, embracing failure and powerful communication.
The Middle School I-Track curriculum emphasizes broad exposure to the design thinking process. The goal of the Middle School curriculum is for students to be confident and competent in applying design thinking, procedural thinking,  creative problem solving, and self-directed learning to real-world problems.
In the Upper School curriculum, students will build off the foundation established in Middle School. Students will select courses that will expose them to the advanced application of innovative thinking and making in different areas of concentration. Finally, all students will complete a capstone course in Social Innovation where they will be challenged to solve a real-world problem for an external client. This course will challenge students to synthesize all of their training in a large-scale effort that includes a presentation to a wide audience of stakeholders.


Middle School:
  • I-Track required in grades 6 and 8.
Upper School:
  • Students are required to take 2 years of I-Track courses. 
    • For new 9th and 10th grade Geffen Academy students, one of the two years must be one of:
      • Creative Computing,
      • Designing the Story World, or
      • Engineering Design
unless a student is granted a substitute exemption by the I-Track Department Chair.
    • All Geffen Academy Upper School students must complete an Advanced I-Track course in 11th or 12th grade, or an approved substitute course. Details about this course and approved substitute courses can be found in the General Education I-Track Course Descriptions section.